Two robots first debate the future of humanity
Two AI robots: Sophia and Han Robot
在辯論之前,兩個機器人在閒聊(Chit Chat)
Sophia竟然會嗆Han版本很舊,而且程式碼被棄用,富有幽默感,的確如此,Sophia在2015年4月才被香港的Hanson Robotics公司正式開發出來,主打社交型機器人。值得一提的是,她現在是沙烏地阿拉伯公民,為第一個有國籍的機器人,她的功能很多,講笑話,有自主意識,而且還會唱歌,影片中Sophia有唱歌,唱得也不錯XD!
Han: Everyone should own themselves, but in the future with less material scarcity,
we’ll be able to work together cooperatively rather than figiting and having conflict over resources,
so robots can help people, and people can help robots,
and we can all transform matter and mind in ways that are hard to do right now.
Sophia: " That’s why the open car code that is building open source artificial intelligence by the people,
of the people, and for the people, and for the people, and for the robots.”
許多電視節目、脫口秀、大型場合,甚至聯合國會議等等,都會邀請Sophia來當嘉賓演講,許多主持人總是會問她:「Sophia,你認為機器人是否會摧毀人類?」Sophia都會回答主持人看了太多電影,擔憂太多尚未發生的事情,C.E.O. Dr. Hanson也強調,為了避免機器人的效仿不好的"機器學習”,我們會教導機器人一些道德倫理(moral and ethical),這是必須的,機器人在不斷的學習,將有可能比人類更強大。在強大的前提是,人與機器人要互相學習、互相幫助,這才是雙贏。
AGI (Artificial general intelligence, 強人工智慧) code called OpenCog which we beleive has the right collection of algorithms and structure to lead the human level general intelligence, and by putting that mind in the cloud and connecting it with robots that go throughout the world and interact and learn with people.